Ides of March, St Patty’s Day, Daylight Savings Time Change, First Day of Spring and Virtual ParentCamp! ©ParentCamp, 2016-2021, All Rights Reserved
Isn’t it crazy to think about all that happens in March? Who else is looking for those green buds to start popping through the mulch? There is just something about spring and the flowers that are just so rejuvenating. Make sure you get outside and enjoy it!
In the meantime, there are some great session ready to bloom for our March 24th Virtual ParentCamp. Registration is open now! https://www.parentcamp.org/event/2021-03-24-vpc/.
This is a CRAZY good week! Decisions, decisions! Good thing one of our essential conditions is that you can visit multiple rooms!
Here we go!

Room 1 [Strengthen] – COVID & Debt – How to Deal with It
Facilitator: Randy Williams (@adebtcoach), President, A Debt Coach Credit Counseling Services
We are thrilled to have Randy Williams back with us at ParentCamp. Randy has been with us since the very beginning, joining us at our physical ParentCamps at the USDOE and at our first GrandParentCamp. Randy is a wealth of knowledge and has a huge heart to help people who are in trouble but are too embarrassed to ask for help. Recently, Randy was named to the Board of Directors for the Better Business Bureau and received a grant from Capital One to provide Financial Literacy courses.
We know many are struggling with finances during COVID and it is probably only going to get worse. What can you do or how can you help someone else? Remember one of our foundational principals at ParentCamp – NO JUDGEMENTS!

Room 2 [Strengthen] – Simple Solutions to Make Homes and Schools Healthier and Happier
Facilitator: Gary Kannenberg (@garykannenberg), Environmental Scientist
Gary is joining us again this week. He is an environmental scientist who works with schools to make their buildings healthier and safer for students, faculty & staff. He’s spent the last 35 years solving indoor air quality, asbestos, lead paint, lead in drinking water, radon, and worker safety problems in schools and other buildings.
Gary has some great easy, simple tricks and gadgets which you can make to help make your home healthier. A healthier home will make you and your family feel better.

Room 3 [Connect] – Student Voice: Beyond Prom Planning
Facilitator: Andrew Brennen (@aebrennen), Fellow, National Geographic Society
Andrew Brennen is an Education Fellow at National Geographic where he works to support youth led movements and organizations around the world. He is also Co-Founder of the Kentucky Student Voice Team, an independent non profit that works to elevate students as research, policy, and advocacy partners to improve Kentucky schools. Andrew Brennen graduated from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Lexington Kentucky in 2014.
Young people are the most valuable but least tapped resources when it comes to improving public schools. As primary stakeholders who spend 35 hours a week in the classroom, students have a unique perspective and often identify challenges that adults overlook. However, all too often students are asked to think critically about everything from history to algebra in school but rarely asked to think critically about school itself. As family and community advocates what role can we play in cultivating, elevating, and supporting student voice?

Room 4 [Strengthen] – How to Talk with Kids to Develop Positive Self-Identity
Facilitator: Daniel Schaffer (@DanielSConnects), Best Selling Author, Magician, Speaker, Audience Engagement Specialist, Director of Communication for Love Must Win-Safe Haven, , Daniel Schaffer Connects LLC
This is a topic that repeatedly requested at the end of each Virtual ParentCamp when we ask what participants want at future Virtual ParentCamps. We are super pleased that Daniel is joining us again to share his amazing facilitator talents to lead this discussion. Who knows, maybe adults attending will learn ways to develop their own positive self-identity. Kids learn by adults setting examples.

Room 5 [Strengthen] – The Connection Between Student-Directed Learning and Literacy
Facilitator: Dr. Joe Hibbett (@joeymh43), Principal, The RISE Academy (@RiseBoone), Boone County Schools (@Boone_County)
Dr. Joe is back with us this week and this topic is fascinating. Julie sat down with Joe the other day and had an hour long conversation about the connection between student-directed learning and literacy and it was eye opening. Her son had become a self-directed learner in middle school because of the platform he was using in school, Summit. His literacy skills did go up quite a bit and he had not been a strong reader. Now that she looks back upon the experience, she can see the correlation. So stop in this room to have dialogue around this intriguing topic.
Register now at https://www.parentcamp.org/event/2021-03-24-vpc/ and make sure you invite a friend!
Please make sure you have downloaded/updated to the latest version of Zoom! Either download an update to your tablet/phone or download the update on your computer. You may ask why??? With the new version, you will be able to change rooms on your own! Even though Julie will miss seeing you all in the main room, you can now change rooms by yourself, but you need the latest version of Zoom in order to do it. She will still be in the main room if you need assistance, it is ok.
#ParentCamp #VirtualParentCamp #FSCEI #FamilySchoolCommunityEngagementIntegration #COVID #Debt #Finances #ADebtCoach #RandyWilliams #HealthyHomes #HealthySchools #GaryKannenberg #StuVoice #Students #StudentVoice #AndrewBrennen #Positivity #SelfIdentity #DanielSchaffer #MentalWellness #StudentDirectedLearning #SelfDirectedLearning #Literacy #JoeHibbett #RISEAcademy
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/127350399327466